Friday, May 23, 2014

Leave a Crater

Science has found evidence of the largest crater to be "found" on record.

NASA officials formally note the discovery of a crater on the surface of Mars.

The 'biggest' and 'freshest' crater to be discovered using before-and-after images is something to behold.

50-plus yards in diameter.

A significant find.

Clearly someone has too much time on their hands.

But still, it is impressive.


It begs the question...

How can something so large

Be so small?

In comparison, it is a mere blemish on the surface of its host planet.

A Milky Way Proactive Promo.

We tend to exaggerate those things that are new, while sometimes omitting the importance of the things that are truly noteworthy.




Mars has none, 

at least that we know of, 

But behold the power and prowess of science.

But what about the craters on the surface of our planet?

The 'third rock from the sun'?

Not that of the Yucatan Peninsula,

or those that reflect dormant volcanoes and geologic events,

But those that are left behind

By Man.

Under Water.

Or in the Soil.

Or in the air, 

with no tangible trace or history?

What about our craters.

Those left by Napoleon?

By Egyptian Kings and Queens?

By our Founding Fathers?

By Biggie and Pac?

What about OUR craters?

In this age of information lets not forget to reflect, and respect,

to take the time and recognize the amazing fact that we are, and have been,


Our history, our lineage, our past is something to behold. 

So read up.

Learn about the Cosmos.

Listen to Neil Degrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and NASA officials.

But don't forget that our roots,

Our craters

are all based in




So before you get caught up on CNN, 

on YouTube,

Or on,

Leave your own crater. 

Whether or not it can be seen with a before-and-after pictures.

We The Roses.


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